Teen Corner — Memories, and how we process them, make us who we are

Gracie Barker

By Gracie Barker, Contributing Writer

How do we get to memory lane? I believe we must expand our minds and look into our hearts. Our hearts create a vivid, emotional side to our memories.
When I think of the term “memory lane,” I imagine two different roads.
The first one I picture is a small, endless path. It is overgrown with grass. Trees are all around, so tall and thick you can just barely see the sunshine peeking through. The sky is blue with subtle hints of pink in the clouds. Wildflowers are growing through small cracks in the road. Birds are chirping and butterflies are fluttering all around. This is a place of pure happiness. The air is warm. A slight breeze is blowing. As you walk, your heart begins to fill with an overwhelming sense of joy. Your heart creates vivid pictures of your best memories. These heart-warming images play in your mind as you travel down the path. This is where you come to reminisce. You can stay here for as long as you want. You can even bring a friend or two.
The second road is quite gloomy. It is the same road as before, but a completely different atmosphere. The grass and the trees are withered. The sky is dim. Rain is drizzling. The air is silent as there are no bird songs or butterflies. There is no breeze blowing. This road is filled with sad memories. You relive your worst days and mourn lost opportunities. You ponder on the “what ifs.” You feel a sense of regret. Soured memories burn in the back of your mind. You feel alone here. You do not want to stay, but you are not able to bring yourself to leave. While strolling this path seems incredibly miserable, beauty can be found. You encounter feelings you often avoid, and you face them. This is how you heal. As you venture into what seems like a nightmare, you discover the small bits of light that come with healing your heart, mind, and soul.
In my mind, there are two “memory lanes.” Of course, this is just a figment of my imagination. Everyone has their own definition of the term. For me, this is how I process good and bad memories. For some, “memory lane” looks more like a trophy case or a photo album.
Memories hold a prominent place in our lives. Memories, good or bad, shape us into the people we are.